Team Development
Cohesive teams have more fun and get more done, period. The key is to have fun first & then get more done. Team development is a chance to create space & control the pace. It’s a way to build respect for ourselves & others.
Team development intends to embrace the fact that we are more alike than different. To see the best in each other at a human level & recognize we are one part NEEDED in a bigger picture.
Teams are a collection of individuals. When individuals are open, honest, & vulnerable with each other, they become more cohesive, & laughter follows.
There are a lot of good teams. There are a lot of teams that are a collection of people. Most are artificially harmonious & never get to the next level.
Building a good team into a great team takes leadership and effort. Until we get to know, like, & trust each other at a human level, we will be average at best, & miss the opportunity to reach the untapped potential in all of us! It’s called TEAMWORK for a reason – TEAM first, then WORK.
What is Vulnerability-Based trust?
How to Invite Productive Conflict.
Why do some commit & some don’t?
Peer to Peer Accountability.
Positive Intelligence
Who is Responsible?
Personal Blueprint of The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team.
Practical Applications
What is Vulnerability-Based trust?
How to Invite Productive Conflict.
Why do some commit & some don’t?
Peer to Peer Accountability.
Positive Intelligence
Who is Responsible?
Personal Blueprint of The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team.
Practical Applications

“Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare.”
― Patrick Lencioni, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable